Institute for Electric Power Systems
At the Institute for Electric Power Systems, Department for Electrical Energy Storage Systems (IfES) at Leibniz Universität Hannover, research questions are addressed in the three dimensions of technology, economy and ecology.
IfES has many years of experience in the combined use of modeling tools and experimental characterization and validation. The main focus is on technology selection and design methodology for storage systems, especially for PEM water electrolysis. To design sustainable energy storage systems, the technical development of energy storage technologies is complemented by the development of sustainable business models and resource efficiency analyses.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach and his team have carried out extensive preliminary work at IfES in the fields of hydrogen technologies and aerospace systems. The combination of experimental work on electrolysis cells and detailed system analyses on complex energy networks enables the team to investigate H2 supply chains in the right level of detail. As part of the Cluster of Excellence “Sustainable and Energy-Efficient Aviation (SE²A)”, the team can draw on relevant understanding of energy systems in aviation and related preliminary work. In addition, the specialist group analyses H2 production systems and their integration into higher-level energy systems.

Finn Schenke
Tel.: 0511 762-12243
E-Mail: fpuraxr@vsrf.hav-unaabire.qr
Research topics of the institute include:
- Storage systems for electrical energy
- Vehicle energy systems
- Networked energy and material conversion systems
- Business models and economic evaluation
- PEM water electrolysis
- PEM fuel cells
- Li-ion accumulator

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