Research group Resilient and Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management
The research group Resilient and Sustainable Operations and Supply Chain Management at Hamburg University of Technology, headed by Prof. Dr. Christian Thies, carries out research in the field of industrial supply chains, with particular emphasis on resilience and sustainability. A particular focus is the development of concepts and methods for designing sustainable supply networks for future mobility and energy systems.
Professor Thies has proven experience in spatially differentiated modeling and evaluation of global supply chains as well as techno-economic analysis and optimization of production and logistics systems. The methodological expertise ranges from material flow analysis and sustainability assessment, simulation approaches such as system dynamics and discrete-event simulation, to mathematical optimization and multi-criteria evaluation.

Christian Thies
Tel.: +4940428783522
E-mail: puevfgvna.guvrf@ghuu.qr
Research topics of the institute include:
- Sustainability assessment and management
- Resilient and sustainable supply network design
- Closed-loop supply chain management
- Sustainable mobility and energy systems

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